Saturday, November 16, 2013

Reader (Gamer) Desire to Influence Writing (Gaming)

I was originally drawn to this topic through both blog and podcast I've become an avid listener and reader of the site. In the "aftermath" of Roth's third installment in the Divergent series, readers felt cheated or let down. Jeff O'Neal and Rebecca Schinsky expounded upon the pros and cons of the a reader's influence on the writer, and I was certainly intrigued.

Fast forward to today. Blizzcon--Blizzard Entertainment's yearly, self-inclusive convention--opened up a huge can of worms within the gaming community: namely the expected outcry of millions of fans about Blizzard's lore and game decisions. In short, Blizzard's choice to focus entirely on male protagonists and antagonists hinders the much-needed push to diversify the sex and gender of the gaming industry. At least one blogger in the WoW community (among many others) thinks this is a step backwards. As one Twitter user put it:

I've read Big Bear Butt for a while; his loving tendency to rant and write always inspires me to blog. His input has certainly called up some heated conversations, including his own. In particular, I was drawn to this quote:

Nobody, and I do mean NOBODY has the right to tell ANY author or creator what they should do to change their own creative efforts because clearly you know better.
This is where it gets interesting to me. I'm going to look at both sides. To avoid prolixity, I'm sticking with the pronoun "her."

Defending Big Bear, he's absolutely right that a writer and creator's outlet is no business but her own. The success of any true artist is generally attributed to the originality of her work. Creativity is a very personal and individual process, much as this blog is for me. I should feel free to write how and what I desire. He's also right that consumers can speak with their wallet. If Dysmorphia and Restokin are unhappy or disapprove of Blizzard's choices, they're welcome to explore other options--certainly the beauty of our multi-faceted society. Veronica Roth's fans might simply put the book down if Allegiant doesn't meet expectations. It reminds me of an old adage: if an activity causes you pain, don't do it. 

As for Restokin and Dysmorphia, they follow in the long-honored tradition of discontent and expression. When Charles Dickens began his writing career, his novels were published as episodic entries in periodicals. Although mostly utilizing the "cliffhanger" convention that television often entertains, Dickens was able to incorporate reader and colleague feedback between installments. In effect, he was able to adjust his writing based on the response of his audience and contemporaries. For Resto and Dys, it's more about the unified relationship between creator and consumer. If Blizzard hopes to stay in business, they allege, they should be more mindful of the diversity of their targeted demographic.

Frankly, I'm in the middle. A writer should have creative license to craft their world as she sees fit. Blizzard grew to its current size because of the story and gameplay that they wanted to share with the community, just as Veronica Roth's creativity birthed the current fanbase for her work. However, Blizzard has always been responsive to consumer feedback. They've always listened to constructive criticism regarding gameplay; why should lore be any different? Dickens did it, film companies always do it, and Blizzard should do it, too. 

Thus, Big Bear's assertion that no one has the right to critique or petition an author is rather misguided. A reader or gamer has as much right to petition an author as the author has the right to accept or reject the criticism. Consequently, while Resto and Dys justifiably can push to alter Blizzard's intentions, I think it's rather tough to assume that Blizzard (or any creator) can fully appease every niche in their audience. If Blizzard decides to stay the course, then Resto and Dys have the rationale to potentially end their ties to the game. Sad, but all good things must come to an end, right?

Friday, November 15, 2013

So Much Geeking to Do!

I find myself perpetually deadlocked in an internal battle. Thankfully, I'm almost positive I'm not alone.

DC or Marvel? Of course, I'm referencing the innumerable titles available at my local comic shop and not the decades-old debate pitting the Justice League against the Avengers or the X-Men (whichever incarnation pleases you).

Alas, this is not the only conflict raging inside me. PC or Console? MMORPG or classic pen-and-paper? To Magic or not to Magic? See where I'm going with this?

I'm quickly finding that I can't ultimately prioritize my geek preferences. As a working adult, especially in education, I lack the time and finances to scratch every "geek itch." When I'm not grading, planning, attending meetings, researching, or diving into the latest in professional development, I can never decide which hobby to indulge. New games and subcultures consistently capture my attention. It certainly doesn't help that each trip to my local game store introduces me to some new board game, mini, or tabletop experience.

I've been playing World of Warcraft since 2006. Unbelieveable! I've been playing that game consistently for seven years. I won't bore you with the logistics of my tenure on Azeroth, but I will say that I've always loved the social aspect of online gaming. This dates back to my 2003-2005 trek through the galaxy in Star Wars Galaxies. Every time I consider leaving the game for good, I feel as though I'd be abandoning friendships developed over the past seven years.

My comic book collection is steadily (and scarily) growing. Back in my younger days, I devoured Spiderman (the Maximum Carnage days), X-Men, and Superman (Reign of the Superman) titles. At some point, I grew self-conscious of my comic books and gave them up. At least two decades later, I picked up some DC comics during the Identity/Infinity Crisis arc. The itch continued into recent years when I delved into various Batman titles in the New 52! line. I would love to get into some of the other DC titles like Justice League or Green Lantern, but I can only afford my four: Batman, Batman & Robin, Superman Unchained, and (yes) Hawkeye.

Beyond that, there's Pathfinder, board games, Magic the Gathering, cosplay, and...of course... my own writing. I certainly feel like I'll never have the time or money to enjoy them all.

Is it possible to choose? How do I choose where to focus my energy without feeling like I'm missing out?

Have any of you had this issue? What did you do?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Pound of Dice!

Just in the mail today! A pound of random dice from Chessex. They essentially put a mish-mash of extra dice together, plus one complete matching set of polyhedral dice. The set I got was solid white with green engravings. Not my favorite, but they're pretty cool.

I'm looking forward to starting a small Pathfinder (like Dungeons & Dragons) group together with some friends. Just trying to get the scheduling worked out.

Anybody else play Pathfinder or D&D? How did you get started?

Twitter's Rampant Grammar Criminals

I'm certainly not perfect when it comes to my grammar in social situations. I'm not a grammatical saint or anything: I sometimes place a preposition at the end of a sentence. What can I say? I'm from the Midwest! It's a fault we all carry with us.

I came across this article on USA Today about a survey that Grammarly conducted about celebrity grammar issues on Twitter. Looking through the article, I have to admit that I wasn't surprised that someone like Pauly D (of Jersey Shore fame--link contains some cursing) is one of the worst "grammar criminals" on the web. On average, the former Jersey Shore star has roughly 55 errors for every 100 words. I certainly take issue with the level of intelligence of a lot of pop culture, but I'll save that for another post.

Who was the most grammatically correct celebrity? Beyonce, according to the site.

Of course, this could certainly spawn a much larger discussion about the impact of social media (and the immediacy of technology), but I wanted to post this question:

Do celebrities in pop culture have a responsibility to be comprehensive role models, or should they purely be viewed as sources of entertainment?

Comment below. I'm curious what you think!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Another Geek Obsession

By the way, I'm a bit of a craft beer nut. Revolution Brewpub in Chicago...

Testing the Mobile App

While I'm getting the blog and Twitter account (@ClassGeekBlog) online and running, I thought I'd test the mobile app! Looking forward to posting photos and quick thoughts through this!